时间:2024-02-26 来源:suncitygroup太阳集团作者:suncitygroup太阳集团访问量:
(1) 主持国家自然科学基金资助面上项目《修改引力理论中引力波的传播特性与修改引力理论的检验》(2024.1-2027.12, No. 12375045),经费:52万。
(2) 主持省教育厅科研项目《引力波信息对广义相对论检验的相关研究》(2021.1-2024.12, No. 21A0297),经费:5万。
(3) 主持国家自然科学基金资助项目《物质密度线性扰动增长的研究》(2011.1-2013.12, No. 11147011),经费:20万。
(4) 主持湖南省自然科学基金面上项目《引力波信息在宇宙学中应用的研究》(2020.1-2023.12, 编号:2020JJ4284),经费:5万。
(5) 主持湖南省自然科学基金项目《宇宙学模型与物质密度线性扰动增长的研究》(2012.1-2014.12, 编号:12JJA001),经费,10万。
(6) 主持湖南省教育厅青年项目《物质密度线性扰动增长对宇宙模型的限制》(2011-2013,编号11B050),经费:4万。
(7) 主持湖南省教育厅教研项目《新视野下仿真实验在物理师范教育专业中应用研究》(2016-2019,编号:16J027)。
(1) 王敏,付响云,Testing the FLRW metric with Hubble and transverse BAO measurements,PHYSICAL REVIEW D 108, 103506 (2023)(自然指数期刊)。
(2) 付响云,周璐, Exploring the potentiality of future standard candles and standard sirens to detect cosmic opacity,Chinese Physics C Vol. 45, No. 6 (2021) 065104.
(3) 黄龙,付响云,Cosmological constraints from type-I radio-loud quasars, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 109, 043529 (2024).
(4) 陆振烟,付响云,Cold quark matter in a quasiparticle model: Thermodynamic consistency and stellar properties, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 108, 054017 (2023)。
(5) 丁持坤,付响云,Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity coupled to bumblebee field in four dimensional spacetime, Nuclear Physics B 975 (2022) 115688。
(6) 付响云,周璐,Testing the cosmic distance-duality relation from future gravitational wave standard sirens, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99, 083523 (2019).
(7) 周璐,付响云,Probing the cosmic opacity from future gravitational wave standard sirens, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100, 123539 (2019).
(8) 付响云,杨建飞,周璐 Exploring the potentiality of standard sirens to probe cosmic opacity at high redshifts, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C (2020) 80:893.
(9) Exploring the potentiality of future standard candles and standard sirens to detect cosmic opacity Chinese Physics C Vol. 45, No. 6 (2021) 065104.
(10) 付响云,李鹏程, Testing the distance–duality relation from strong gravitational lensing type ia supernovae andgamma-ray bursts data up to redshift z ~ 3.6, International Journal of Modern Physics D 26, 175009(2017).
(11) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟) and Wu Puxun(吴普训), Dynamics of interacting phantom scalar dark energy in loop quantum cosmology, Phys. Rev. D 78 063001 (2008).
(12) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟) and Wu Puxun(吴普训), The effect of curvature indeterming the property of dark energyfrom type Ia supernova with model independent method, International Journal of Modern Physics D 22, 1350025(2013).
(13) Wu Puxun(吴普训),Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟) and Fu Xiangyun(付响云)A parametrization for the growth index of linear matter perturbations, JCAP 06 019 (2009).
(14) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Wu Puxun(吴普训) and Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟),The growth of linear perturbations of the f(R) model, Eur. Phys. J. C, 68, 271-276 (2010) .
(15) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Wu Puxun(吴普训) and Yu Hongwei*余洪伟), Growth of linear matter perturbations and current observational constraints, Chin. Phys. B, 19(7), 079801-806(2010).
(16) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Wu Puxun(吴普训) and Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟), The Growth of Matter Perturbation ons in f(T) Gravity, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 20, No. 7 1301(2011).
(17) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Wu Puxun(吴普训) , Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟) and Li zhengxiang(李正祥), Testing the distance-duality relation with data from galaxy clusters and type Ia supernovae, Research in Astron. Astrophys.,11 No. 8, 895–901(2011).
(18) Chen Songbai(陈松柏),Fu Xiangyun(付响云) and Jing Jiliang*(荆继良), Density perturbation of unparticle dark matter in the flat Universe, Eur. Phys. J. C 64, 107-112 (2009)
(19) Fu Xiangyun(付响云),Wu Puxun(吴普训) and Yu Hongwei*(余洪伟), The growth of linear perturbations of the DGP model, Phys. Lett. B 677 12-15 (2009).